• Anesthetic

    Active Acne: No 

    Acne Scar Revision: Yes

  • Recovery Time

    Acne: Mild redness for 1-3 hours post treatment

    Acne Scar Revision: 1-7 days 

  • Sessions

    Acne: Minimum of 4 treatments weekly 

    Acne Scar Revision: 3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart

Acne & Acne Scar Revision

Active Acne treatment:
Fotonas precisely controlled Nd:Yag laser light safely penetrates into skin to effectively target overactive sebaceous glands and to reduce the risk of developing new acne inflammation. For active acne, this treatment reduces acne inflammation through photo selective absorption in and controlled heating effects.  In addition to its thermal penetration effects, the Nd: Yag acne laser treatment also accelerates the healing process and stimulates collagen remodeling, an important step in the long-term treatment of acne. 

Active Acne: $150.00 + HST 

Acne Scar Revision:
For treating problematic acne scars, Fotona's Er:YAG laser wavelength is ideal for gentle ablative scar revision. The Er:YAG laser safely and effectively provides the minimal penetration depth required for light resurfacing of acne-scarred skin, helping to improve skin texture and tone. he laser gently vaporizes micron-thin layers of the acne-scarred surface to reveal healthy, undamaged skin below. Laser resurfacing is a fast, safe and simple procedure.

Pricing is determined by consultation 

Book Treatment

Treatment Information

Pre Treatment

  • Clients must not have a fresh tan or fake tanner on treated area 

  • Must not have been on Accutane within the last 6 months

  • Cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding 

  • Must avoid all active topical ingredients for 7 days prior to treatment (ie. retinol, vit C, glycolic acids, salicylic acids, etc).

  • Arrive with no makeup, creams or lotion on treatment area. 

Post Treatment

  • avoid direct sun exposure for 2 weeks post treatment

  •  avoid sweaty exercise for 5-7 days post acne scare revision

  • Follow post care instructions given to you by your provider

  • avoid all topical active ingredients for 7 days post acne scar revision 

  • Avoid irritants (glycolics, retinoids etc.) for seven days after treatment.

  • Avoid deodorant for 24 hours.

  • Apply sunscreen for 6 weeks over the treated area if it is exposed to sun.

Before & After

Questions about this treatment?

Send us an email or give us a call and our medical aesthetic professionals will be happy to answer your questions

